Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring Break sum-up

What a whirlwind of a week! Sarah is now back to school, so I feel like I can breathe again. It's so different having 2 kids home all day long...especially when it's raining and cold most days!

That said, we did have a great week. We did some really fun things. Of course, we made the obligatory trip to Chuck E. Cheese. What vacation would be complete without it? (And the stomach virus that follows about 24 hours afterward?) We did a few parks around the city in between rainstorms as well, and attended a birthday party for some good friends that have 4 kids and Sarah's dream house. (A giant room downstairs with a huge TV, art supplies, and dress up stuff that is completely out of sight of those upstairs)

The highlight was definitely our visit to Ohio Caverns. It's a privately held cavern that has some really amazing formations. The tour is an hour long, which was just about perfect for the kids. They do some history, some science, and leave some time for pictures and gawking. Sarah was completely taken with the experience, and this solidified her future career as an archaeologist...only now she wants to do it in caves. I would be SO excited if she actually chose that as a career!!!

Steve topped it off with an ER trip on Sunday night. He decided that it would be a good idea to cut a watermelon with my recently sharpened chef's knife after drinking some wine. He did okay cutting it, actually. Served it to all of us, had is plate ready, but it all went wrong when he tried to cut up ALL of the rinds to place them in the disposal. He sliced through the top of his finger lengthwise, through the fingernail, and to the bone. Thankfully, he only needed stitches.

Never a dull moment!

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