Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Tour of the New Hospital

I have been saying for some time that I wanted to go check out the new Dublin Methodist Hospital....but not in the way I did over the last 24 hours. Last night, I started having some pretty nasty belly pain. Figuring that I ate too much, I just tried to let it go away. After 4 hours, it wasn't going anywhere, and I couldn't sleep, so I told Steve I needed to go to the ER. Oh, and did I mention that this is happening during the worst blizzard since 1978???

After a long night of drinking contrast, having CT scans, etc, I had a laparoscopic appendectomy this morning. And now, through the miracle of modern science, I am home already. I am certainly sore, and thankful for medicine that keeps me comfortable, but I am able to walk around without a problem.

The hospital was just beautiful, and there were only 2 patients in the ER, so I got right in, which was nice. If you're going to have an emergency, this was definitely the way to do it!!

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