Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Reluctant Blogger!

It seems that no matter how many good ideas one has for writing, they will not place themselves into my blog. Darn. You see, I have this problem with perfectionism. (For those of you who are familiar with FlyLady, I am a complete SHE) I think that I shouldn't post anything until it's perfect, which is the same philosophy I have applied to everything else in my life. Let me tell you, it keeps you from doing quite a bit.

Maybe that's why working outside the home was so satisfying. There were things that I had to do, I did them, and I did them well. Heck, I even enjoyed it...and they PAID me, told me that I did good work....you can see where I'm going. If I didn't like it, I quit. Staying home with children is the complete antithesis of everything that I liked about working! I am, nonetheless, finding it rewarding in a much deeper sense. Someone please just remind me of that on Day 5 of my husband's business trip!

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