Thursday, October 4, 2007

Piano lessons

Yesterday I caved in to Sarah's request to start piano lessons. I have been dodging this request for quite some time, as she has little ability to sit and do anything. In fact, the only things that really hold her attention are swimming and the computer, so I figured that piano lessons probably wouldn't added to the list.

Well, I lowered my expectations for what a lesson would be, and I thought, we'll discuss the black and white keys, along with one note. Middle C. Surely we would get that done, and she'd have the satisfaction of learning one note. She looked at me like "Duh!" when I talked about the black and white keys. Then, the discussion about middle C began. We found C on the keyboard together, and then she began reciting the alphabet while pressing the other keys. It was over. She then got out a book of sonatas and asked if she could read the music now.

Oh brother.

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