Monday, October 8, 2007

Gone Already

Today was my daughter's first day of full-day kindergarten. She was identified as needing some extra help with literacy skills, and the school district just started a program for 10 children at her school. Initially, I didn't want to put her in the class, thinking that she would catch up naturally. Some good friends convinced me to accept the help when it's offered, and I think that was a good call.

I must admit that I am not ready to give up my child for an entire day, 5 days a week. It was so hard to drop her off this morning. Sarah, on the other hand, was jumping up and down at the thought of eating lunch at school and having a recess period. This is just one more of the many steps one must take to help a child grow.

So, it turns out that she had a very short recess, as she took a long time to relish her tasty lunch. Thankfully a kind teacher sat with her while she ate. She doesn't remember what she did in the literacy portion of her day, but she did tell me ALL about rest time, recess and lunch... and so it goes.

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