Friday, September 28, 2007

Meet my family

As you may have guessed from the title of this blog, I am a mother. I have two lovely children, although just how lovely they are is debatable at times. Yes, I am biased, and no, I do not think they are perfect. Far from it, actually.

My oldest is Sarah, who is 5. She has recently started kindergarten, and has informed me that she is so old that she is going to die soon. Sarah loves nature, especially large animals, and would like to be a large animal vet. She is also going to be an astronaut, scuba diver, and an Irish dancer. Her interests may be even more divergent than mine! She is not particularly fond of being a sister, and would much rather be an only child.

My son Danny is 2 and is quite a handful, as most two year olds go. He has quite a vocabulary, but all of his words are monosyllabic and contain only one consonant. He smiles and laughs all the time, especially when there are girls around. He already trips over his feet when he sees a pretty girl. Maybe it's good that no one else can understand what he's saying!

Of course, there's always my husband and myself, but I find it much less interesting to talk about us, although I suppose I will get to that in the future. For now, just know that my husband travels for work and that I stay home with the kids. I am a stay-at-home mom.

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