Monday, July 21, 2008

Much to the chagrin of some of my neighbors, my yard is very quickly turning into a garden. I am waiting to see how much I can get away with before I'm turned in to the "association". This year, things seems to be working pretty well. We've had 2 meals of our own green beans, countless salads, 3 cucumbers, 5 tomatoes and LOTS of jalapenos. 3 of my tomato plants are so heavy that the cages are falling over! I hope to take pictures, but my camera is currently MIA.

I cannot wait to make salsa and spaghetti sauce, with an eye toward preserving enough for part of the year. We are trying to wean ourselves from processed food, but it's so much easier in the summer, when fresh produce is bountiful.

So what for next year? Another raised bed, some blackberries, strawberries, and possible some elderberries for wine. Anyone have some land available???


bigdaddydog said...

i have land but it's in louisiana!!you just made me hungry for some home-made spaghetti sauce!!

bigdaddydog said...

i have land but it's in louisiana!!you just made me hungry for some home-made spaghetti sauce!!

bigdaddydog said...

i have land but it's in louisiana!!you just made me hungry for some home-made spaghetti sauce!!