Friday, December 7, 2007

Bedtime Update

Lord, I wish this phase was over! Danny was up 12 times last night, and since his door no longer locks, I have resorted to the time honored method of putting him back down with a neutral expression and no conversation. I did okay at first, but then when he's up at 4:30, that's a bit more difficult. Last night, he just sat on the steps, but the night before, he turned all the lights in the house on, went downstairs, and fell asleep in front of the TV on the floor. He did all of this without waking me up. Scary, eh?

Through all of this, Sarah has been an angel. She stays in bed without complaint, even when he wakes her up. Last night, I tried to have Danny look at Sarah in bed, in a dark room, just like his. You can see from the above paragraph how well that one worked!

As most of you who look at this know, my background is Clinical Research, and I am a Nurse Practitioner. I am looking for a algorithm...something....I just want to see how to handle this event and have it over with! Motherhood is so complicated!

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