Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So...last night, Sarah had a little "episode" of sleepwalking. I was startled awake by doors slamming multiple times. She was going in and out of her room. By the time I made it upstairs, she was closing the bathroom door. I went into her room to find a trail of drips from the bed to the bathroom. The sound of her going to the bathroom seemed a little higher pitched than usual, so I was a little concerned, but not enough to check. I commenced changing the sheets on her bed. After I had her tucked in, I was really concerned that she continued to make a peeping noise, much like a young chick. Not sure what that was about. I entered the bathroom to find a LAKE of pee on the floor next to the door. Nowhere near the toilet. What fun at 0100! Both kids found this story quite funny. I'm still not sure.

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