Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Today we honed our stealth and observation skills at Scioto Park. The kids were actually quite good at moving slowly to get close to the ducks. Most of the time, they got within a couple feet of them. Danny was usually the spoiler, when he'd try to talk to the duck about what it was doing. Needless to say, Sarah was not too pleased with that aspect of our trip. I, however, was ecstatic, as this is a BIG part of what we'll do while homeschooling. Both art and science can be accomplished quite easily using these skills, provided we go home and research what we have found, and that I remember the sketch book to draw. We'll see how it goes!

After about 20 minutes of being stealthy, the kids had had enough of it. They went back to their favorite standby activity...gathering slime from the run that goes into the river. Yuck.

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