Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Last Day of Preschool

We didn't have pony rides at MY preschool!
Here's Dan telling Pastor Rob that he already knows how to play shuffleboard.

The kids did a cute program, and then each child got an award. Danny got the "Best Storyteller" award. I wonder if this is akin to the "Never Stops Talking" award?

What a sweet boy!

Gardening 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"What doubles the pleasure of reading is the subconscious feeling that I ought, most of the time, to be doing something else." Carl Patton, The Atlantic, 1922.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


If there's one reason I don't get any sleep, this is it. My boy likes to run himself into the ground, and then falls asleep at very inopportune times. Here, he fell asleep on the short trip to pick up Sarah from school. School is literally down the street. Not even 3 minutes. Geez!

Here's Danny being the superhero "Rainbow Man," of his own creation, of course. "Look Mom, I'm cool because I'm gwaking (walking) backwards, and I'm good at it because I'm Rainbow Man and I'm cool because I'm a big boy gwaking backwards." Got all that?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Spring Programs

Sarah and Danny were both in programs at school last week. What a blessing to see them perform. Sarah was so consumed with looking at me in the audience that she missed half of the movements, and probably half of the words too. It was so cute. Danny was about 5 words behind the rest of the class for the "I Love Mommy" song. (Sung to the Frere Jacques tune) It didn't seem to bother him, though. He kept right on going at his own pace, happy as a clam. As usual, I can't post any pics because the other computer is occupied :)

We Love Spring!

We are trying to cram everything we can into the little bit of time we have to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of spring. So far, we've checked off the hike to see early spring plants, tadpole observation, playing in the creek before it gets too full, early season plantings....I think that's it. It's always amazing to me how nature holds a child's attention like nothing else. A child with "ADHD" or whatever label you'd like to give them can sit for hours on end observing rocks, tadpoles and toads. We were truly designed to be in nature...not apart from it. My problem now that it's warm? My children don't want to come in the house...ever! I guess that's a good problem to have.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


My dear friend lives in my dream house about 25 minutes from us.

We just had to go over to meet the new pigs! They had 9 at the time we were there. I think they may be up to 14 now. They are just so adorable!

I couldn't resist a picture on the gorgeous screened porch.

The kids had a blast playing in the straw, although they couldn't agree on what they should play. Sarah, as usual, is observing, boys are just being insane, and Riley was trying to organize it all! Life is good.