Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Tour of the New Hospital

I have been saying for some time that I wanted to go check out the new Dublin Methodist Hospital....but not in the way I did over the last 24 hours. Last night, I started having some pretty nasty belly pain. Figuring that I ate too much, I just tried to let it go away. After 4 hours, it wasn't going anywhere, and I couldn't sleep, so I told Steve I needed to go to the ER. Oh, and did I mention that this is happening during the worst blizzard since 1978???

After a long night of drinking contrast, having CT scans, etc, I had a laparoscopic appendectomy this morning. And now, through the miracle of modern science, I am home already. I am certainly sore, and thankful for medicine that keeps me comfortable, but I am able to walk around without a problem.

The hospital was just beautiful, and there were only 2 patients in the ER, so I got right in, which was nice. If you're going to have an emergency, this was definitely the way to do it!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


This weekend's adventure was the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, thanks to Grandma and Poppa. What a great time! The kids were in awe of the dinosaurs. They only had one there when I was a kid, and now they have 3. A juvenile T. Rex, a brontosaurus (or something like that) and a triceratops. I think Sarah's favorite part was the gem and mineral gallery, so she will most likely follow in her mother's footsteps, much to Steve's dismay. My already too large rock collection will continue to grow. Danny loved the human body exhibition.

All this happened in spite of Danny hacking and coughing all over the place, and puking up everything he has eaten for days. He got a little dose of some very special medicine, and spent the day nearly coughless. Yeah!

Oh, and like an idiot, I forgot my camera at my parents' house.